保罗 柯兰多尼 / Paolo Colantuoni


东方和西方,西方和东方:在没有任何芥 蒂,没有任何偏见的环境下去聆听。 通过了解我和他人之间的需求,在欲望的 边界上去寻找一种新的和谐,是那种我们 所看不到的想象力。 让我们去分享一种内心空灵的新风格-创造 出一种宁静安逸的时空,远离那些杂乱无 章的信息和图像骚扰-成功创造出一片新的 沃土。 这是一种变革般的氛围,是基于现 在来引导如何结合过去和未来的一种独一 无二的创意。 最终在各部分之间进行整合时会出现变移 性的创新思维,创新思维会完美无缺的结 合对立而成的新形式和新想象力。 不遗余力地或随心所欲地把握新的想象 力。 让身边的每一个人都成为创意者主观想象 力的载体。利用想象力,创造出世界上适合 他们自己的,具有他们自己的固有的,独特 的风格。 这样,我们就可以建立起一个独一无二且 又与其他世界不重复而又一致的生活:一个 具有创造性的,能够完全实现的世界。 最后,在这里,现在,活出你的时间。 天津设计周一直以来都是远视卓见的,并 致力于实现促成和整合这次会展。相信让 有能力的不同的设计领域的设计者相互对 洽,会创造出恰当的交汇点和参与点。

Eastern and Western, Western and Eastern: Listen in an environment without any grudge or prejudice. By understanding the needs between me and others, looking for a new kind of harmony at the border of desire is the kind of imagination that we cannot see.

Let us share a new style of inner peace- to create a peaceful and comfortable time and space, away from the messy information and image harassment - to successfully create a new fertile soil. This is a kind of changing atmosphere, based on a unique idea of how to combine the past and the future now.

Ultimately, there will be a shifting creative thinking when integrating parts, and the innovative thinking will be perfectly combined with the new forms and new imagination.
Spare no effort to grasp the new imagination.
Let everyone around them become the carrier of creative imagination. Use imagination to create the unique style that fits them in the world with their own. In this way, we can build a life that is unique and consistent with other worlds: a creative and virtual world.
Finally, here and now, live your time.
Tianjin Design Week has always been farsighted and committed to achieving and integrating this exhibition. It is believed that bringing together designers from different design fields with competence will create appropriate points of convergence and participation points.