艺·像 /设计
Artecinema是一个与当代艺术有关的国际电影节,1996年成立于那不勒斯,策划人是Laura Trisorio。此电影节旨在通过一系列精选的纪录片将当代艺术的各种表达方式介绍给公众,这些记录片记录了一流的艺术家、建筑师和摄影师在他们的工作室或参与的重要项目再或国际博览会的现场工作情景。特别是在选择的电影中,Danielle Schirman要讲述一些重要作品的故事。工业作品是一把椅子、一种工具或一台机器,但须具备实用性及趣味性,以此来协调两个限制:技术和美学。每一部电影都展示了与其所处时代相关的设计作品,使之成为一个真正的“时空镜”。作品的特殊历史,包括设计、生产、销售、消费和庆祝活动,交织着所提到的社会和文化背景。
Artecinema is an International film festival on contemporary art established in Naples in 1996 and curated by Laura Trisorio. The Festival aims to introduce the various expressions of contemporary art to the public through a selection of documentaries on leading artists, architects and photographers at work in their studios or on the scene at the sites of important projects or international expositions. For the event “Tianjin Design Week” Artecinema will presents a series of films: “a look at the objects: dedicated to Danielle Schirman”. The industrial object, it's a chair, a tool or a machine, must be functional and pleasant, in order to reconcile two constraints: technology and aesthetics.Each of the movies shows the design object attached to it age, making it a true "mirror space-time." The specific history of the object, which includes the design, production, marketing, consumption, the celebration, is intertwined with the social and cultural context that is referenced.