极具创意的知名设计师,为大家呈现与日常 食物的制作和消费有关的趣味设计作品。
Famous designers an outstanding creative personalities present the most interesting objects of design that today are linked to the preparation and the consumption of food.
饮食是一种文化:从生产、 制作到消费过程都是文化 的体现 从罗马时期到二十世纪,“餐 桌”一直是一面反映人类和 食物之间复杂文化与人类关 系的镜子。 餐具能够体现每个时代的 餐饮方式以及在饮食上的 必要性。 食品摆放的新形式以及食物 消费改变着传统的思维方式 和饮食方式。 饮食&设计展旨在展现这些 经历了设计创新的发展过 程,向公众讲述那些在食品 制作及就餐过程中所使用餐 具的历史。
Food is culture: when it’s produced, when it’s prepared and consumed.
From the opulence of the roman period to the functional simplicity of that of 900’, the “Table” has always been considered as the mirror of a complex cultural and anthropological relation between human and food.
Objects can reflect the inner sense of each era in the way they are organized on the table and due to their being necessary in eating.
New rituals of presentation of food on table and its consumption have turned the ways of thinking and of eating stabilized in previous era.