穿越设计史的象征之旅: 人类对座椅的早期需求,就像阿纳·雅各布森的蚂蚁系列或里特维德的折返系列,无论是金属材料还是木制、皮革外饰或臃肿外观、充气式或折叠式、或带有三腿或四腿的座椅,对于建筑师和设计师而言,这都是一项规划性的挑战,是创造力、技术创新和自流水生产能力和工业发展聚首之地。回顾过去900年到本世纪的古老设计,这些物品已经成为当代的象征,尤其是座椅和扶手椅,一直以来都是设计史的主角。 这次展览所展示的形式和技术演变既体现出不同年代的文化变更,也体现出为其带来灵感的不同世界视角。从丹麦流派,到意大利流派,再到当代作品,这次展览将展出以芬·祖尔和维奈·潘顿为代表的杰出人物在历史上的重要代表作。现在仍然在生产的设计主题象征着作品和日常生活之间的关系,这些作品代表着理想和美感的革命,也代表着革新,其生产技术和生产新途径便是每把座椅的见证。
The answer to the earlier need for human to seat – both made in metal or wood, in leather or overstaffed, inflatable or foldable,and with three or four legs, as Ant by Arne Jacobsen, or Zig Zag by Rietveld – has been for architects and designers a planning challenge, a place in which creativity , technical innovation and artesian ability and industrial development can face each other. Going through the oldest pieces of the 900’ till the new one of our century, these objects has become symbol of the contemporary era, and in particular chairs and armchair have always been protagonists in design history. The exhibition tells this process that, being the history of both formal and technological evolution, is both the story of the cultural changes of the various eras and different visions of the world that inspired them.From the Danish school to the Italian one till nowadays production, the exhibition will presents many important step represented by outstanding characters like Finn Juhl and Verner Panton. These items – all of theme still produced today to symbolize the relationship between them and our daily life – represent the ideal and esthetical revolution but also the innovation , the technology and new ways of production of which each chair is testimonial.