Matteo Ragni
We Design For Better Days
马特奥·拉尼 毕业于意大利米兰理工建筑系。2001年,在与Giulio Iacchetti的共同努力下,凭借“八爪鱼”环保叉勺赢得了当年的金罗盘奖,该作品现被纽约现代艺术博物馆永久收藏这次展览对我来说将是打开新世界的大门、回顾过去展望未来的绝佳机遇。在这个充满挑战和希望的环境中,我希望可以跟大家分享一直激励我不断成长的信念:我们的设计是为了更好的生活!
Matteo Ragni, graduated in Architecture at the Politecnico di Milano. With Giulio Iacchetti in 2001 he was awarded with Compasso d’Oro ADI for the disposable biogradable spork “Moscardino”, which is now part of the permanent design collection at MOMA New York.
This exhibition to me is a door to a new world of opportunity, a chance to look at my past and to look into the future, in an project full of incentives and expectation, the same expectation that makes me believe that we can share the same ideal: we design for better days!