简单生活“: 无用”之美
simple live: beauty of useless
With the time today ever changing rapidly, all things may pass away in an instant. Times, feelings and objects are fading into history without notice.
时、心及物都迅速地成为过 去。因循守旧的重荷而使之 沉沦,而在我们的面前一切 又重新翻转过来。未来是新 的,过去也是新的。原先习惯 的世界现在是不可思议的世 界。在我们的眼前,印象深刻 的是再次回归平凡的事物。 如同被擦过的镜子一般,照 出来的都是新而鲜亮。在此 面前善也好、恶也好,是不能 伪装的。所有的物品都是美 的吗?对其进行实地调查的 最佳时期已经到来。现在是 评判的时代,是意识的时代。 评论者之幸在于被我们认 同,我们决不让时代的恩惠 落空。
Geometric vessel
The heavy burden as a result of sticking to the old ways leads to degradation while everything coming back in new forms, taking us by surprise. Not only the future is new but also the past. The world we were used to has become something unthinkable. What deeply impresses us is that we are back again to eventless life and ordinary stuff. As in a mirror just polished and cleaned, all images are fresh and brilliant, denying all camouflaged things, good or evil. Can all things are beautiful? It’s past time to conduct a field study on the question. We are living in a time of judgment and awareness. A comment maker would be lucky enough to be recognized. We must live up to the favors and benefits granted by the time.