信息场地 / Info & Locations
TDW Organising Committee
电话: +86 2226216668
微信: 天津国际设计周
北宁公园 Beining park
南门: 天津市河北区中山北路门1号
South entrance: 1 zhongshan north road, Hebei District,
North entrance: yuhong road, Hebei District,
Xiangsi Creative Industrial Park
158 si malu, Hebei District, Tianjin
Beining Park
北宁公园坐落于天津北站东北侧,始建于1906年。其水面聚分得体,湖湖相连;29座 造型各异的桥涵横架两岸,成为宁园无声的导游。宁园前身系袁世凯委周学熙选址筹办的种植园,袁世凯是中国近代史上著名的政治家、军事家。宁园沿袭了古典造 园手法,叠山理水,花木亭阁错落其间。园中建有图书馆、影剧院、游泳池、礼堂等设施,全部面向公众开放。在前几年的北宁公园提升改造工程中,我们的意大利 团队也参与了园中多处建筑的修复改造提升工作。坐落于公园北部的致远塔,塔身9层,高74.24米。该塔内能观画,外能观景,是游人游览登高的好去处。如 今,为提升“文化艺术”的园林特点,毗邻园林的一处建筑将从事艺术教育,而另一座建筑则将用于意大利语言培训
Located at the east part of the Tianjin Railway Station, this beautiful park was founded in 1906. The lakes and pagodas linked by 29 bridges give to the park a sense of extreme quietness. The garden was once owned by one of the most important figures in the history of China, Yuan Shikai, army officer and politician, active between the late Qing dynasty and the early years of the republic.
It is characterized by some typical elements, as buildings in Chinese style: a library, a theater and a pool, facilities, these, today open to public. Many of these areas have been recently refurbished by our team of Italian architects, as the tower Zhiyuan nine years ago situated in the north of the park, 74 meters high: its beauty is characterized by the external structure and also by the internal paintings.
Today two buildings in the park are dedicated "to culture and art" in the proper sense of the word: almost at the beginning of the park, there is the University section of Fine Arts, and at the end of the same avenue, there is a building that will serve in teaching Italian language.
Tianjin is one of four autonomous municipalities in China, and it recently became an economic port and, in wider terms, an international economic center . Its foundation dates back to 1404. In the modern era, it has been local office to 8 foreign concession, including Italian’s one, which have left significant architectural ruins. The Italian settlement, that originally was the smallest one, between 2004 and 2010 has been restored by the Neapolitan society “Sirena” that has made it one of the most popular tourist attractions. T
he city covers 11,919 km², along the Haihe River, with 14,131,500 people. Tianjin also represents the port of Beijing, from which is 137 km far away. Links with the capital city are ensured thanks to a deep railway network. Actually, there is a fast line, built in 2008, that just in half an hour can connects these two cities. The port is the main sea river hub of communication in northern China and it is also one of the major in the world, it is the fourth for the tonnage of stored products and the tenth in transporting containers. It has links with 180 countries and it has also a line for national and international passenger transport. In 2006, the Chinese State Council has nominated Tianjin as " the economic center of the Bohai, international port city, the economic center of northern China, an ecological city".
In 2012 the gross domestic product of Tianjin has reached a value of 129 billion renminbi (equivalent to more than 17 billion euro). 150 companies, on the list of "Fortune 500", have a place in this city. In 2011, "The Economist" put Tianjin in first place among all cities in the world for economy competitiveness. Tianjin, in these years, is recording the highest growth of all China of roughly 10%. In 2012 exceeded the14%. The per capita income has gone to from 6,000 in 2007 $ 10,000 in only 6 years.