TDW — tianjin international design week

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巴拿马佩里科岛阿马多尔 邮轮码头客运中心 / Cruise terminal of Amador

In Between

北宁公园 / BeiNing Park
D3座 / Pavilion D3
2楼 /2 Floor

策展人 / Curator
卞洪滨 / Bian Hongbin

阿马多尔邮轮码头位于巴拿马Isla Perico 岛的东北侧,航站楼位于Isla Perico的山丘 和大海之间。 航站楼入口轴线与场地入口道路呈45°角夹 角,正对佩里科(PERICO)岛的山丘。航站 楼呈U型布置,围绕中间的两层通高大厅布 置从地面开始缓缓升起、盘旋上升。大厅内 六组V字型的柱子撑起三角形母题的屋顶。 透过大厅内三角形天窗能看到Isla Perico 的山丘;同时面向大海的阳台,为欣赏海景 提供了良好的视点。航站楼低矮的高度和 流线的形体,谦逊的处于山与海之间,建筑 造型充满热带滨海建筑特点。

The terminal is located between hills and sea in Isla Perico,Panama. From the point view of landmark, the low height and the streamline shape of the terminal will make the terminal both iconic and won’t appear particularly jarring, very humble in between the mountains and the sea.

3,The terminal was arranged as u-shaped, slowly rising from the ground, hovering around the middle of the two storey- high hall. Inside of the terminal, there
is a two storey-high hall, which has a triangle roof. And the roof is supported by six trees forming in V-shape. The vertical surface of the cone of the roof is the glass windows, which provide the ventilation and lighting for the hall. The top surface is photovoltaic solar panels, so that the solar energy can be absorbed continuously.