TDW — tianjin international design week

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阿斯利漂浮船屋 重生展 / Asile Flottant Boat Hut Rebirth

北宁公园 / BeiNing Park
H座 / Pavilion H

策展人 / Curator
远藤秀平 / ENDO Shuhei

2016年,勒·柯布西耶(LeCorbusier)设计 的17座建筑作品列入世界遗产名录,轰动一 时,举世瞩目。本展将讲述这位现代派建筑 大师的一个鲜为人知的杰作背后的故事。 这座漂浮的建筑于1929年在救世军的委托 下设计,是一座由船舶改造而成的漂浮避 难所(阿斯利漂浮船屋/路易斯·凯瑟琳号 (Louise-Catherine)。 建造阿斯利漂浮船屋的初衷是为了收容 因一战而流离失所的巴黎难民。她的前身 是一艘混凝土货船,在一战中用于运输煤 炭。后来在船身上增设了柱子、屋顶和水平 窗,改造成一座现代主义建筑。改造工作 由当时师从柯布西耶的日本建筑家前川国 男负责。 阿斯利漂浮船屋虽长时间用于难民的栖身 之所,但由于陈旧老化,从1995年开始便停 止使用,后来甚至一度面临被废弃的危机。 幸而2006年起,在当时居于巴黎的米歇尔· 康塔-杜帕等五位有志之士的不懈努力下, 修复工程开始实施。2007年,我受他们所 托为修复工程设计庇护处,从而参与到阿 斯利漂浮船屋的重生项目中。期间虽然也曾 因种种原因一度中断,修复工程仍于2016 年大致完工。另一方面,由于有之前前川国 男先生参与改造的这份缘分在,我便在日本 策划了《阿斯利漂浮船屋(Asile Flottant) 重生展》来介绍这段故事。

In 2016, 17 buildings designed by Le Corbusier were registered as World Heritage Sites and became a global topic. This exhibition shows the story behind an unknown masterpiece of the master of modern architecture. Designed in 1929, this floating building was requested by the Salvation Army and became a floating shelter (Asile Flottant / Péniche Louise Catherine) by remodeling a ship.

Asile Flottant was created to accommodate refugees in Paris due to the First World War, which had originally been a concrete coal carrier during the war. Pillars, roofs as well as horizontal windows were added to the hull and finally renovated it as a modernism architecture. The project was taken on by Japanese architect Kunio Maekawa, who was apprenticed to Le Corbusier at that time.

Had been used as a refugee’s place for a long time, Asile Flottant was out of service since 1995 owing to aging problem. After temporarily facing the crisis of being discarded, restoration work of the ship started successfully since 2006 thanks to five volunteers who lived in Paris including Mr. Michel Cantal-Dupart.

In 2007, I received requests from them to design a shelter for restoration work and started working on Asile Flottant rebuilding project. Although there were interruptions due to various circumstances in the process, the renovation work was almost done in 2016. And since Kunio Maekawa had also been involved in this project, I came up with the idea to put on this “Asile Flottant Revival Exhibition” to introduce this story in Japan.