盛开 朱岚水墨作品展 / Blossom
巷肆创意产业园/ Xiangsi Creative Industrial Park
美术馆/ Gallery
策展人/ Curator
朱岚 / Zhu Lan
朱岚的作品以丰富而变化的线展现复杂中 又隐含着混沌之上的清晰与自由,艺术家 在20多年的水墨抽象创作与思考中形成了 自己独具一格的表达方式,如艺术家所言“ 抽象是用不具体的形象记录那种清晰但不 可言喻的具体感受。这种看似无标准无定 义的状态,使得它根据所处的环境不同,感 知力的不同,观察的角度不同和此时此刻 的状态不同在层面上可浅可深,共鸣有轻有 重。视野和胸襟虽然能对作品举足轻重,但 它并不是全部,只有当它与劳作、经验默化 融汇后才能彰显其深度。” 本次展览将展出朱岚最新创作的水墨作品 二十余幅,艺术家将中国水墨画中的“线” 提取出来,用传统的笔墨手法在手工宣纸 上游走,看似随意涂鸦却充满克制与对抗。 朱岚的绘画作品不能简单的分类为抽象画 的一种,她的作品表露出一种远远超过作 品本身的非客观的深度,是熔铸在一种强 烈的想象和感觉本质的精细语汇。本次展 出的作品,突破了所谓抽象对于点、线、面 结构探索的浅表,艺术家在不断做减法的 过程中,形成了自己独特的绘画语言。她小 心翼翼地驾驭着线条的走向,努力排除掉 几十年来深入骨髓的“美”的干扰,深刻地 表达了她对世界的探索和对生命的反思。
Pieces of me work to enrich and change the above line and implies chaos in the complex free and clear of artists in more than 20 years of ink painting abstract writing and thinking formed its own unique form of expression, such as the artist says "abstraction is with the clear but not specific image record ineffable specific feelings. This seemingly no definition of top state, making it according to different environment, different perception, and at the moment the status of different observation Angle in level can be shallow to deep, resonate with light weight. The vision and the mind can be important to the work, but it is not the whole, only when it is combined with the work and experience to show its depth.
This exhibition will showcase more than 20 pieces of
me the latest creative works of ink painting, the artist
to pick up the "line" of Chinese ink painting, technique with the traditional ink on rice paper manually go upstream, seemingly random graffiti is restrained and confrontation. Pieces of me painting can not be simply classified as a kind of abstract painting, her works show a far more than the work itself and the depth of the objective, is rooted in the nature of a strong imagination and feeling fine words. The works of this exhibition break through the shallow table of the exploration of points, lines and faces, and the artist has formed his own unique painting language in the process of continuous subtraction. She steered the line carefully, trying to rule out the "beauty" that had been in the bone marrow for decades, expressing her exploration of the world and reflection on life.