宋琨 / Song Kun
就建筑而言,无论东西方哪种文化背景,对 艺术性的要求在前现代主义建筑中都占有 绝对重要的地位,而建筑艺术表征都是以 达成视觉审美情趣的装饰来体现的,屋顶、 檐口、门窗、墙身等都是装饰元素集中表现 的重点。标榜“形式追随功能”的现代主义 建筑从社会伦理角度出发反对装饰,但不 排斥建筑的艺术特征。现代建筑在审美追 求上则又是遵从与艺术息息相关的形式主 义美学原则,现代建筑的艺术效果通过屋 顶、檐口、门窗、墙身等形式元素的组合关 系及其所达成的视觉审美感受来实现。
In terms of architecture, no matter what kind of cultural background in oriental or western world, the requirement on artistry has an absolutely important position in pre-modernism architecture, and architectural art symptom is embodied by means of adornment elements reflecting visual aesthetic taste, while the roof, eaves, doors and windows and wall body serve as the key points of the focusing representation of adornment elements. Modernism architecture advocating “form follows function” opposes adornment from the angle of social ethics, but does not reject the artistic features of architecture. However, the aesthetic pursuit of modern architecture follows formalism aesthetic principle which is closely linked with the art. Artistic effect of modern architecture is realized through the syntagmatic relation between formal elements such as the roof, eaves, doors and windows, wall body and the visual aesthetic feeling achieved.