彭一刚 / Peng Yigang
在这个世界经济处于动荡与变革的时代,创 意设计作为一种新生的产业力量正在全球 范围迅速崛起,被公认为推动未来经济发 展的重要引擎。欧美日等发达国家纷纷提 出“设计立国”概念,制定“设计在内,制造 在外”的国家产业发展战略,从而把握未来 发展的主动权。 在我国,产业结构升级与转型的过程中,创 意设计作为连接第二、第三产业的纽带已 成为现代服务业中发展最快的版块之一。 在联合国教科文组织建立了“创意城市网 络”中,深圳、上海、北京和武汉先后被授 予“设计之都”称号,对塑造城市品牌形 象、促进相关产业发展、提升居民生活品质 等起到了重要作用。 天津作为中国北方经济中心和生态城市,具 有雄厚的经济实力和强大的人才、资金、信 息凝聚力。为巩固现有成绩、开辟新的经济 增长点,我们需要通过创新与设计提升产 业附加值、增加GDP含金量,为这座传统工 业城市注入新的活力,使创新设计成为天 津经济与社会可持续发展的不竭动力。在 此背景下,打造国际“设计之都”对天津有 着非凡的历史意义。 藉此天津国际设计周开幕之际,我们郑重 倡议:通过申请加入联合国教科文组织“创 意城市网络”、打造“设计之都”的活动,加 强我市创新生态建设、打造创意城市品牌、 推动设计产业发展,最终实现城市整体实 力的提升与经济社会的可持续发展。让我 们执设计之剑、创不朽盛世!
In this era of the global economy is in turmoil and reform, creative design as a kind of new-born industrial strength is rising rapidly in global scope, and it is recognized as the important engine of promoting economic development in the future. The developed countries such as European countries, the United States and Japan once have put forward the concept of “designing founds the country”, formulating the national industrial development strategy of “designing at home and manufacturing abroad”, so as to seize the initiative of development in future.
In China, in the process of upgrading and transforming of industrial structure, creative design has become one of the fastest-growing sectors in modern service industries as the link between the second and third industries. In the “Network of Creative Cities” established by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Shenzhen, Shanghai, Beijing and Wuhan have been awarded the title of “City of Design” successively, which plays an important role in shaping the city’s brand image, promoting the development of relevant industries and upgrading the quality of life of residents.
As the economic center and ecological city in Northern China, Tianjin has strong economic strength and cohesion of talents, funds and information. For consolidating the existing achievements and opening up new economic growth points, we need to increase the added value of the industry and increase the value of GDP through innovation and design, injecting new vitality to the traditional industrial city, and making innovative design become the inexhaustible driving force of the sustainable development of economy and society for Tianjin. In this context, the creation of international“City of Design” has a remarkable historical significance for Tianjin.
Hence, taking this opportunity of the opening of the Tianjin International Design Week, we formally initiative: we shall strengthen the innovative ecological construction of Tianjin, create the brand of creative city, promote the development of design industry, finally realizing the improvement of the overall strength of Tianjin and the economic and social sustainable development by applying to join in the UNESCO “Network of Creative Cities” and implementing the “City of Design” activities. Let us hold the sword of design and create the immortal flourishing world!