宋涛 / Song Tao
物不在多,适度为好。让我们脱离对物品的 执着,精简生活,物尽其用,当身处于自在 而舒适的空间,被所喜爱的物品所包围着, 你也会开始喜欢自己。舒适的生活不在于 越多越好,而是“够了”就好。如果有一天 你觉得累了,试着舍弃掉那些可有可无的东 西,让居住空间变得宽裕而自在;以物尽其 用的观点,寻找心爱家具的美好,这样我们 的心情和周遭环境,都会变得清爽。 此次展览聚集了周宸宸,袁媛和薛文静三 位新锐设计师的作品。作为产业独立设计 师的代表,周宸宸的作品涉及家具产品、限 量设计艺术品等。在宏观设计思维体系下, 他的每一件作品都与产业、制造业、商业及 市场相融合,表达着对当下社会形态的思 考、对设计自由的追求,为中国设计现代化 进程助力。袁媛的作品尽显典雅、自然、轻 松,富于美学品味,给人提供一种全新的优 雅细腻又不失文化沉淀的生活视角和使用 体验。薛文静通过对榫卯的结构的构造形 式来源以及文化背景的了解,作品传达出 一种新的更为现代化设计理念,在设计中 加入曲线型,多变的,休闲性,开放式,人 性化等元素。使用者将获得一种全新视觉 和使用上的体验,设计的概念从榫卯结构出 发,同时将结构作为家具的外在装饰。
Future·Simple Life
Things should not too much, moderate is better. Let us break away from our dedication to objects, streamline our lives, and make the best use of all things. When we live in a comfortable space and we are surrounded by favorite things, you will start to like yourself. Comfortable life does not lie in the fact that as much as possible, but “enough” is enough. If one day you feel tired, try to abandon those things that are not necessary to make the living space comfortable.Try to make the best use of all things,and find the beauty of your favorite furniture, so that our mood and the surrounding environment will become refreshing.
The exhibition gather the works of three designers,they are Frank Chou, Yuan Yuan and Xue Wenjing. As a representative and independent designer, Frank Chou‘s works are related to furniture design, product design, and limited art design, etc. Design and needs of macro-design thinking in order to achieve a balance among the business, manufacturing, marketing and aesthetic considerations. Yuan Yuan created her brand ROOY, representing our design philosophy of using art to change and enrich life. The designer Xue Wenjing conveyed a new and more modern design concept through the understanding of the original of the structure and cultural background of the skeleton.She added many elements in her works, such as curvilinear, changeable, casual, open, and humanized design. The furniture users will obtain a new experience in using and a kind of fully new visual. The concept of design will start from the skeleton structure, and at the same time, the structure will be used as the external decoration of the furniture.