TDW — tianjin international design week

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专为威尼斯地区设计。由一所大学及当地社会资源协作开发/ Designing for Venice territory. A university and local clusters collaboration

北宁公园 / BeiNing Park

E5座 / Pavilion E5
1楼/1 Floor

策展人/ Curator Alberto Bassi
Lucilla Calogero
Stefano Munarin
Luca Velo

Università Iuav di Venezia

本展厅推出威尼斯建筑学院的展品,这是一家以设计为主题的大学, 致力于生活空间和环境(建筑物、城市、地貌和地区)设计, 以及日常用品、时尚元素及视觉设计的教育、研究和实践。

该学院为天津国际设计周带来了跨越教学、设计和制作的工作室体验, 反映了意大利威尼斯地区产业群所特有的深厚传统文化和革新。

在引导性地展示该学院所处环境的区域背景, 及其与当地企业和制造业社区之间的关联后, 展品被划分为两大部分, 生动展现以下主题: 城市、建筑和规划、室内设计、产品和视觉设计。

The exhibition presents the Università Iuav di Veneziawhich is a design-themed university focusing on the teaching, research and practice in the design of living spaces and environments (buildings, cities, landscapes and territory) and in the design of everyday use objects, of fashion and of graphics.
For TDW Iuav presents experiences of workshops that straddle didactics, design and production, reflecting the link with the dimension of tradition and innovation typical of the industrialclusters of the Italian territory around Venice.
After an introductory section that places the Iuav institution in the territory and in its link with local enterprises and production districts, the exhibition is divided into sections that illustrate the following themes: City, Architecture and Planning; Interior Design; Product and Visual Design.

Alberto Bassi
副教授, 研究历史设计评鉴;担任室内设计课程
Professore associato, si occupa di storia e critica del design; è coordinatore del curriculum di Interior Design.

Lucilla Calogero
设计科学博士, 研究员和助教, 研究交互式数字系统和数据可视化设计PhD in Scienze del Design, ricercatrice e collaboratrice alla didattica. Si occupa di progettazione di sistemi digitali interattivi e data visualization.

Stefano Munarin
副教授,研究当 代领土,城市规划福利国家政策与城市建设之间的关系的转型
Professore associato, si occupa dei processi di traformazione del territorio contempornareo, di progettazione urbanistica, del rapporto tra le politiche di welfare state e la costruzione della città.

Luca Velo
城市规划博士, 城市规划讲师和研究员, 研究处理与城市转型项目相关生态社会和景观的问题
PhD in Urbanistica, docente e ricercatore in Urbanistica, si occupa di temi ecologici, sociali e paesaggistici in relazione al progetto di trasformazione urbana.