纪念之家/House of Memory
优秀奖 Honorable prize
高海伦 / Gao Hailun
2018年7月,泰国普吉海域发生游船倾覆。遇难者有18人为浙江海宁某家具公司员工及其子女, 海宁庆云村三户家庭因此仅留下年迈老人。纪念之家选址于该村村头, 由纪念之廊与住宅组成。计划为其提供一处可纪念逝去的亲人并抱团养老的晚年住所。同时考虑出租其原住宅为民宿, 以补贴家用。墙上镂空刻着亲人的名字在阳光照射下变成透光纱布上模糊的光点, 用手触摸时变得清晰。正如埋藏在日常之下的思念, 平日里朦胧宁静, 仔细回想触动人心。
In July 2018, two cruise ships overturned in Phuket sea area, Thailand. Eighteen victims were the employees and their children of a furniture company in Haining, Zhejiang. The three families in Qingyun Village are broken, leaving only the elderly. HOUSE of MEMORY is located in the end of Qingyun Village, providing these three elderly people with a place to commemorate their deceased relatives and to support their old age. HOUSE of MEMORY consists of a memorial hall and a residence with four rooms. The names of the relatives engraved on the wall become a blurred light spot beneath the light-transparent gauze, which become clear only by a touch. Just as the thoughts buried under the daily life are peace and quiet on normal days. Only when recalling them, can they touch people’s hearts.