TDW — tianjin international design week

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消逝的笔迹 / Vanished Handwriting

三等奖 Third Prize

田佳 / Tian Jia

电脑时代的来临, 我们的汉字书写能力也正在退化, 很多人日常生活工作中很少或是根本不再书写......

With the advent of the computer age, our ability to write Chinese characters is also deteriorating.Many people rarely or never write in their daily work...

According to the survey results:
Thirty-seven percent of people often write and forget words.
Twenty-two percent of people always look for a computer instead of a pen when they want to write.
Sixteen percent of the respondents felt that they could not read other words except their names.
Thirteen percent of people go out to attend classes or meetings, and the worst thing they fear is taking notes...