水人类 Water & Humankind
让全世界的艺术家和专家参与进来,为他们 提供一种工具来展示他们与水有关的艺术 和研究作品,Through Waters的组织和计划 就是基于这一目的。Through Waters是一个 集文化、发展和教育于一体的平台,旨在为 艺术家的知识、意识和作品提供支持。它包 括一系列全球范围内的活动和展览,有来自 不同国家的艺术家参与,并通过摄影师的拍 摄和儿童工作坊与观众交流,尤其是年轻观 众。Through Waters使那些对水感兴趣的艺 术家、画家、音乐家、表演及视觉艺术家集中 到一起。Through Waters的活动是由独立的 国家委员会制定的,由该委员会发现和邀请 艺术家,并选择在活动期间讨论的主题。
Through Waters organisation and project emerged from the need to engage artists and specialists worldwide and to provide them with a tool for showcasing their artistic and research works about water. Through Waters is a platform where culture, development and education meet to support knowledge, awareness, and works of artists. It consists in a
series of events and exhibits worldwide where artists from different countries communicate with audiences, specially the young audience through shoots of photographers and workshops with children. Through Waters gathers aritists, painters, musicians, performing and visual artists with an interest in water. TW events are designed by independent country boards that identify and invite the artists and select the themes to be profiled during the event.