
另一个视角:关于中式园林和意式花园景观的想法 Another Gaze: the Idea of Landscape in Chinese and Italian Garden

另一个视角:关于中式园林和意式花园景观的想法 Another Gaze: the Idea of Landscape in Chinese and Italian Garden

花园是一项古老的发明,陪伴了整个人类的历史,随着时间的流逝,花园随着文化、思想和品味的发展不断演变。The garden is a very ancient "invention" which has accompanied the whole history of humanity and over time it has been transformed to follow the evolution of taste, thought and culture.

年鉴:全球罗马建筑师 YEARBOOK:Roman Architects in the World

年鉴:全球罗马建筑师 YEARBOOK:Roman Architects in the World

罗马建筑师协会(OAR)拥有 18000 多名会员,是意大利最“顶尖”的专业组织。多年来,该协会举办了各种地方级和国家级的活动,另外还通过参加具有代表性的欧洲组织、与欧洲和非欧洲机构达成协议和理解备忘录等方式举办国际级的活动。The Chamber of Architects of Rome (OAR), with its more than 18.000 members, is Italy’s most “cutting edge” professional organization.  Its activity has for some years been carried out not only at a regional and national level but also in the international arena through its participation in European representative organizations, agreements and Memoranda of Understanding with European and non-European institutions.