发现美好/Find the good

find the good_view_01.jpg

优秀奖 Honorable prize

翟文祯 / Zhai Wenzhen

每个有孩子的家里都会有这种情况, 每个家里的墙上都有被乱涂乱画的部分, 这种画既是童年美好的回忆, 但是又会影响家庭墙面的整洁。这款相框采用脱浆纸质, 环保并且方便使用。使用时选择值得保留的部分框起来形成一个家居艺术品, 既可以满足孩子的绘画需求, 又可以激发孩子的绘画创作能力。

Every family with children will have this situation. Every family wall has a scribbled part. This kind of painting is not only a good memory of childhood, but also affects the neatness of the family wall. This photo frame is made of depulped paper, environmentally friendly and easy to use. Choosing the parts worth reserving when using to form a home art can not only meet the children’s painting needs, but also stimulate the children’s painting creation ability.