“少即是多”的当代实 践 / “Less Is More” — A Contemporary Praxis


北宁公园 / BeiNing Park

C座 / Pavilion C
2楼/2 Floor

策展人/ Curator
狄韶华 / Di Shaohua

早期现代主义大师密斯·凡德罗提出“少即是多”, 距今已将近一百年。“简约设计” 是 “少即是多” 这一思想的形式体现, 其本质是提出了一种形式策略, 赞美和适应工业革命后的生产力, 因机器化生产而使建造成本大幅度降低。然而在当今, 产生这种审美的外部动力已不复存在, 因此 “简约主义” 在当代已失去其核心精神。当简约反而与昂贵结合在一起, 简约就仅仅只剩下风格。

第一实践工作室成立以后, 建成项目大多位于中国快速的城市化进程中, 正规开发介入之前的城市和城市周边的特殊地块上, 造价通常只有正常项目一半左右。用尽可能少的节省的形式, 承载尽可能多的内容和精神: 第一实践尝试探索 “少即是多” 这一早期现代主义思想在当代建筑实践中的真实体现。

It has been nearly a century since Mies van der Rohe brought about the idea of “less is more”, in which Minimalism is a formal representation. The idea was to celebrate the outcome of Industrialization which considerably reduced the building construction cost. In the contemporary era, however, the revolution that fostered the idea no longer exists, and minimalist forms, especially when coming out with expensiveness, has recessed to a mere style.

With extremely stringent project construction budgets, PRAXiS d’ARCHITECTURE’s projects seek to practise the true meaning of “less is more” in the contemporary context under the fast paced Chinese urbanization.


天津大学建筑设计学士, 麻省理工 学院建筑设计硕士(MArch II), 建筑和城市理科硕士(SMArchS) 。获麻省理工学院 Francis Ward Chandler建筑设计成就奖。她曾就职于帕金斯威尔建筑事务所和北京 前门23号改造项目。曾任2007年及 2016年中央美院建筑系客座讲评。 在设计中, 她追求通过对项目基址人文和物理环境特质的认知, 使建筑与环境巧妙地融合在一起。利用经济、环保、本地易获得的材料和建造技术, 创造出不寻常的建筑空间体验。不论项目尺度的大小, 最大程度地赋予建筑以实用性和精神性, 并实 现精益建造。

Di Shaohua
Graduated from Tianjin University with a B.Arch and Massachusetts Institute of Technology with a professional degree of M.Arch and post professional degree of S.March.S in Urbanism. In 2003, she received Frances Ward Chandler Prize from MIT. She has been studio critic for architecture department in China Central Academy of Fine Arts. Before establishing her own practice, she worked for Perkins+Will and Qian Men 23 renovation project in Beijing. Shaohua adopts an ingenious and harmonious approach to integrate architecture and its surroundings based on her understandings of the site’s cultural and physical contexts. She strives to create extraordinary spatial experiences by using economic, eco- friendly and local materials and available means of construction. Regardless of project scale, she seeks to fully realize architecture’s practical values while fulling it with spirit, and to create clean details.