梭·影 天津城市记忆与青年创意 / Shadow.zip ——Tianjin City memory and youth creativity


北宁公园 / BeiNing Park

H座 / Pavilion H

策展人 / Curator
鞠高雅 / Jv Gaoya

艺术作为一种文化载体,是艺术家与创作 者个人心路历程的小结,更是一个时代文 明、历史环境的体现,它见证着人与时间、 空间的密不可分。 “丹青争艳,翰墨飘香;光影变幻,色彩斑 斓。”古今相较、中西对比在这里并存,时 间的连缀、感情的过渡也在这里体现。对立 与联系交相辉映,激荡着人们的心灵。步入 展厅,光与影的视觉效果给予观者以巨大冲 击,中山装、旗袍引领我们步入那个民俗时 代;再回首,西服、领带牵引我们越入另一 个想象的时空。斑驳的虚影模糊却足以让 人们体会当下,城市的脉络涌动而创意的 灵感不绝。 当今天的人们贴近作品时,扑面而来的是 对时代差异的惊奇和对时间飞逝的感叹, 在传承与创新中努力寻求平衡的中点。本次 展览以创意、青年、城市为策展元素,包含 着对城市过去的文化记忆,也充满着对城市 未来的美好憧憬。展览的展品主要出自天 津美术学院的青年学生之手,呈现在作品上 的风格虽然稚嫩,但更多的是青年人对时 代的审视、感受以及年轻思绪里的跃动。

Carried with its original culture artworks annotate much more than creative mind of artists but also historical environment and civilization of times. Witnessing the inseparability of people, time and space, this SHADOW.zip exhibition adopts multi materials and art forms, strings tradition and modern livings, temporal attachment and spatial connection together.

Walking into this compressed space, the calling
of splitting between the left and right may lead audiencestoanimaginaryaestheticforeground. Blurry light and shadow here display mutual distinction and interrelation between the past and future——we wonder how we came here yesterday, curious about what may happen tomorrow however, knows nothing about where we stand.

All artworks in this exhibition are made by students of Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts. Taking creativity, youth and city as their main theme these works are burst with passion, sentiment and outlooks under which their tenderness and juvenility could be compromised.


天津美术学院讲师, 北京大学艺术学博士。致力于对当代文化艺术、经济管理和大众传播的研究。《梭·影》, 采用更具活力的思路模式, 以团队领袖的身份带给人崭新感受。

Dr. Gaoya JU
lecturer of Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts, Doctor in Art Management and Cultural Industries, Peking University. JU’s researches are mainly in art market and management, inter-cultural communication, and art theories. This Shadow. zip exhibition adopts a team- curation pattern, role of curator is much like a team leader rather than curator.