beining cultural creative center
E6 意大利馆 / E6 Italian pavilion
长期合作项目 / permanent information desk
第三届天津国际设计周对年轻人的发展给予了 更多关注。今年的设计周活动期间,E座6号楼将 以教育为主题,推出意大利留学板块。在整个展 览空间内将展出中意校际联盟(CISI)以及天津 市河北区意斯特培训学校的工作成果及今后的 发展计划。 中意校际联盟由意大利多所著名大学组成,借 助天津国际设计周的平台已先后与天津南开大 学,天津大学签订合作协议,同时两国高校互认 双学历项目已正式进入后期筹备阶段。 天津市河北区意斯特培训学校将协助中意校际 联盟(CISI),负责中国学生出国前的语言培训及 意大利语等级考试工作,为考试合格的学生颁 发出国必需的意大利语言等级证书(CILS)。
The Tianjin International Design Week 2016 – 3rd edition will promote a new venture dedicated to young students. A new area will be open in the E6 pavilion where students will be able to gain information about the activities of CISI consortium, which is presently building a collaboration among Italian universities, Nankai Universiy of Tianjin and Tianjin University. CISI’s project aims at creating exchanges and educational paths valid in both countries. The same pavilion will also host an information desk dedicated to the EAST foundation, which facilitates Chinese students’ access to Italian universities by offering courses of Italian language and releasing CILS certi cations for Italian as a second language.