里千家茶道讲义 + 茶会
巷肆创意产业园 1楼 / xiangxi creative industrial park 1 floor
5月15日 / sunday 15 may / 11:00-12:30
需要提前预约 / booking necessary: +8613621829626
细见纯子, 茶道履历30年。
茶的学名是Camellia sinensis,顾名思义,茶起 源于中国,纪元前开始经过很长时间,传播到世 界各地,形成各种各样的品种,饮用也有很多种 方式。
8世纪前后,茶道随佛教从中国大陆一起传播 到日本,一开始主要是禅寺,直接按照传来的方 式。经过很长时间后,逐渐深入到百姓中,随着 日常生活中被广泛饮用,结合了日本的精神和 美意识,逐渐在16世纪后期形成了“茶道”的形 式,一直沿用至今。
在每天的生活中,享受日本特有的四季应时的 自然的美丽。
在日本,这种日本人的价值感体现在所用的道 具和点茶的形式中,茶道文化传承到现在。 本次演讲以“茶道是什么?”为题,关于日本人茶 道中所包含的日本人的精神和美意识,做个简 单的介绍。
演讲过后,设茶会,实际上是用茶道的形式拿出 茶,请大家饮用。
这次使用黑川雅之先生为“现在、今后的茶道” 特别设计的茶桌,用从日本带来的最上等的茶 和老店的美味的点心,来招待大家。
周日上午的片刻时光,“喝茶去” 敬请大家 光临
Junko Hosomi has a 30 years experience in the study of tea ceremony for thirty years.
As the scienti c name of tea“Camellia sinensis”shows, tea originates from China. Since before the Christian era, tea has been brought all around the world from China, and various kinds of teas have been produced. People have developed different ways to make tea and drink tea.
In the 8th century, along with Buddhism, tea culture was spread to Japan from China. Therefore, in the beginning the main places for tea in Japan were temples, and tea ceremony was totally the same with the Chinese one. After a long time, tea began
to spread among ordinary people in Japan. With the increasing habit of tea drinking among ordinary people in daily life, and with Japanese growing aesthetic and philosophical awareness, the form of“Tea Ceremony”was finally formed in the last half of the 16th century, and it still survives today.
Everyday, we appreciate the natural
beauty of four seasons in Japan. During a lifetime, between birth and death, everyone should cherish and enjoy the existence of everything.
In Japan, we devote ourselves to the expression of Japanese values through tea set and tea water. In this lecture, I will use“What is tea ceremony?”as the basic question, introducing the Japanese philosophical and aesthetic awareness implied in tea ceremony in a clear and understandable way.
After this lecture, we will hold a tea party according to the original form of tea ceremony, making tea and pouring tea for you to taste and enjoy.
For this event, will prepare a tea table especially by Masayuki Kurokawa, who especially designed it for “Now Future Tea Culture”. In addition, we will prepare high quality tea and elaborate desserts by an old shop, brought from Japan for this occasion.
On a Sunday morning, please come “have a cup of tea” and enjoy yourself.