2016建筑与城市规划 / 天津论坛
tianjin forum 2016 / architecture ad city planning
HOUSE2CITY 从一间房到一座城:阶梯推进可 持续发展进程
HOUSE2CITY – from the house to the city. scalar sustainability processes
北宁文化创意中心 A座2楼 beining cultural creative center pavilion A 2 floor
5月14日 / saturday 14 may / 16:30 - 18:00
Giuseppe Todisco 1989年毕业于罗马建筑学 院,从1990年起在多所建筑设计学院(巴里,罗 马,雷焦卡拉布里亚,热那亚)任教数年。
Giuseppe Todisco graduated in Rome in Architecture in 1989 and since 1990 he has been teaching in several Design and architecture faculties (Bari, Roma, Reggio Calabria, Genova).