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“传统与创新”对谈:黑川雅之x蜂谷宗苾 tradition and innovation

  • 巷肆创意产业园 XIANGXI CREATIVE INDUSTRIAL PARK 20号-56号 Si Ma Lu Tientsin, Tianjin Shi, 300142 Cina (map)
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TRADITION AND INNOVATION conversation with masayuki kurokawa and hachiya sadatsugu
巷肆创意产业园 2楼 / xiangxi creative industrial park 2 floor
5月14日 / saturday 14 may / 16:00-17:30
需要提前预约 / booking necessary: +8613621829626

本届天津国际设计周期间,巷肆创意产业园将 举办一场匠心独运的“日本志野流香道表演”。 表演过后,日本设计大师黑川雅之与志野流掌 门峰谷宗苾,两位各自专业领域的顶尖大师,还 将开展别开生面的“对话” 对香道艺术的传 统与创新的分析和探讨。 

During the 2016 edition of the Tianjin International Design Week, a special event of Japanese incense arts performance will be held at the Xiangsi Creative Industrial Park. After the performance, the Japanese designer Masayuki Kurokawa and the master of Shinoryu Kodo school Sohitsu Hachiya, both top masters in their own eld, will start a special dialogue together, analyzing and discussing the traditions of incense arts and their innovations.