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鼎谈 three-way conversation

  • 巷肆创意产业园 XIANGXI CREATIVE INDUSTRIAL PARK 20号-56号 Si Ma Lu Tientsin, Tianjin Shi, 300142 Cina (map)
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鼎谈 :山崎晴太郎 x 黑川彰 x 黑川雅之
THREE WAY CONVERSATION: yamazaki seitaro, sho kurokawa, masayuki kurokawa  
巷肆创意产业园 2楼 / xiangxi creative industrial park 1 floor
5月15日 / sunday 15 may / 14:30-16:00
需要提前预约 / booking necessary: +8613621829626

我也经历过这种所谓的新锐时代。岁月流逝,那 种心情与那个时代确没有变化。经常边感受着 那个时代边超越时代去探索“生命的跃动”。29 岁的黑川彰,34岁的山崎晴太郎和79岁的我将 穿越时代继续探索。并关于“物、建筑与城市”的 话题进行对话。

In my life, I have once been praised for “coming to the fore when still very young and inexperienced”. Many years have passed, but I still hold that kind of mood whenever I think of my youthful days. When led forward by the pulse of the era, I also keep seeking a“life vitality” which is beyond the era. In this event 34-year-old Yamazaki Seitaro, 29-year-old Sho Kurokawa and I, 79 years old, are going to have a cross-age discussion about “object, building and city”, topics which we persistently explore.
Masayuki Kurokawa