xiangsi creative industrial park
巷肆创意产业园里建成了黑川雅之资料馆。在这里将会保 存、展示黑川雅之先生五十年来各种设计活动、创作活动、 执笔活动的全部轨迹。纽约近代美术馆、大都会博物馆,还 有丹佛美术馆收藏的作品也将全部在这里展出。这里还收 藏了黑川雅之先生一些珍贵的绝版产品和家具作品。这是 世界上独一无二的黑川雅之资料馆。
Masayuki Kurokawa Museum has been built in Xiangsi Creative Industrial Park, where all thefifty-year tracks of his designing, creating, and writing activities will be preserved and displayed, and where other works permanently collected by The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) and The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City (Met) and the Denver Art Museum will also be put on display. Moreover, it collects some rare out-of- print products and furniture works of Kurokawa, which thus makes it a unique among all kinds of Marayuki Kurokawa museums in the world.