北宁文化创意中心 G座
beining cultural creative center, pavilion g
所谓传统就是民族或文化圈的共同记忆。天津传统工艺馆在保存着这种庞大传统 记忆的同时,珍藏有镌刻着现代审美意识与 未来愿望的主题作品。并非单纯地对传统 工艺进行收集,而是精选当代设计师以及 对当代思想给予充分理解的工艺师们在传 统记忆的基础上描绘出的当代与未来的作 品。我们将这个视角作为天津传统工艺馆作 品收集的条件。
Traditions refer to the common memories of a nation or of a cultural circle. Tianjin Traditional Arts and Crafts Museum has preserved such profound and substantial memories, and has treasured works that combine modern awareness of aesthetic appreciation and future wishes. It does not simply collect traditional arts and crafts, but selects works describing the present and the future on the basis of memories about traditions of modern designers and craftsmen who have full understanding of modern thinking. This is the perspective by which Tianjin Traditional Arts and Crafts Museum collects works.