如翌 / ROOY
Future·Simple Life
北宁公园 / BeiNing Park
B座 / Pavilion B
1楼 / 1 Floor
策展人/ Curator
袁媛 / Yuan Yuan
【ROOY如翌】是由设计师/艺术家袁媛创 立的家居品牌,在2015米兰国际设计周上 全球首发。翌(yì),本意为新的一天【如 翌】寓意“如若明天”,用设计畅想未来引 领生活。【如翌】也与“如艺”同音,表达了 我们用艺术改变生活,丰富人生的设计观 念。如翌品牌定位于典雅、自然、轻松,富于 美学品味。旨在提供一种全新的优雅细腻 又不失文化沉淀的生活视角和使用体验。 最初创作【ROOY如翌】正是为了提出一 种轻松的自由的当代的设计语言来诠释中 国文化。 把设计师对中国文化的某种气 质的理解加入到当代的家具设计的创造当 中。其设计轻松愉悦又不失优美的东方文 化底蕴。 ROOY如翌的设计风格和工艺要求遵循国 际标准。 自创立以来多次获得国内外的重 要设计奖项。ROOY如翌将持续用心打造, 植根于当代生活方式,又体现中国文化内涵 的国际化设计品
ROOY, a home brand created by Yuan Yuan, a designer and artist, that went with its global debut during Milan Design Week 2015. Literally, the Chinese brand name, “如翌(ruyi)”, means “As Tomorrow”, in which the character “翌(yi)”means the next day, and it implies our hope of leading future with design vision.Moreover,“如翌 (ruyi)”sounds the same as same as the phrase“如艺”in Chinese,which literally means “As Art”, representing our design philosophy of using art to change and enrich life. ROOY is initiated as a free contemporary design language to interpret the Chinese culture. The designer’s understanding of some temperament endowed in the Chinese culture is incorporated in contemporary furniture design. The design is lively
and and pleasant without losing the beautiful oriental cultural details.
ROOY integrates international perspectives into its design style and craftsmanship standard.Since its establishment, ROOY has received a host of valued design awards in China ang beyond.ROOY will persevere in building a global brand rooted in the contemporary way of life while reflecting the Chinese culture connotation.