宽建筑[UCD]挑战中国 第一仿生建筑 / Ocean Phoenix Center of Qingdao

In Between

北宁公园 / BeiNing Park
D4座 / Pavilion D4
2楼 / 2 Floor

策展人 / Curator
王宽 / Wang Kuan

66号院是典型的大杂院空间。本次改造的 基础为两间北向正房和一间南向自建房。 正房为典型的木构屋顶,无南向采光。南 向自建房年久失修,需要在本次改造中重 建。 西边正房为主人居室,向北面加建出小的 前厅延伸出起居空间。北边餐厅由于和南 房距离非常近,因而南墙布置服务功能, 而在立面上方采用天光。3mx1.1m的通 长天窗,不止采光,而且将枣树、屋脊与天 空纳入至景框构图之中。餐厅不仅为一家 人聚餐的场所,更成为了家庭活动的精神 堡垒。

“Phoenix to Qingdao, like the seagulls to the sea.”
The most beautiful moment for birds is when they fly high, their feathers spread all over their body, and they set off the sun in the wind. Such a seaside Architecture, the sense of space not only by inside to outside, just
as important is from outside and inside, it is natural. Because the main space is a large multifunctional space, the arch structure system is adopted. Based on this system, the wonderful form of phoenix wings is derived, and the way to achieve this pattern is to create a continuous, arranged and gradual steel bone system. We try to challenge the existing boundary of bionic architecture, and realize the rebirth of phoenix with the new era of engineering technology.