望京SOHO 真传泰拳健身馆 / Wangjing SOHO Thai boxing gym
In Between
北宁公园 / BeiNing Park
D4座 / Pavilion D4
2楼 / 2 Floor
策展人 / Curator
鲍威 / Bao Wei
望京SOHO以强势的建筑姿态干预并主导 着望京地段的城市空间。此次室内设计的 场地东、南、北三面面向城市打开。 设计将拳台布置在视觉的焦点,这与经典 剧场平面的概念同出一辙:扇形收缩的平 面上,缩小的端头为剧场的舞台,平面开放 方向为观众席。拳台即舞台。 拱的存在给了城市界面一个应答,将泰拳 这种竞技运动象征性地回归到角斗场的意 向中去。
Wangjing SOHO serves as the landmark of Wangjing urban space with its predominant architectural presence. The site presented itself as a challenge as how to respond to the city with its three open edges. The fighting ring is the central program. This is consistent with the plan of a theater: the shrinking end of a fanning plan is used for the stage while the open area is for the audience. The ring becomes the stage. The arches also respond to the unban challenge set above: bringing Muay Thai, a highly competitive sport back to the coliseum symbolically.