黑川雅之的历史和思想 / The history and thoughts of Masayuki Kurokawa

巷肆创意产业园/ Xiangsi Creative Industrial Park
2楼 / 2 Floor

策展人/ Curator
黑川雅之/ Masayuki Kurokawa

在M2层的黑川雅之资料馆可以纵观黑川雅 之50年的创作历史。在这里展有试制品、样 品,以及记载有作品的杂志和图书。

The Masayuki Kurokawa Museum on the M2 floor can take a look at the 50-year history of Masayuki Kurokawa. Trial products, samples, magazines and books with works are displayed here.

paolo altieri AA

visual & communication designer