TDW — tianjin international design week

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天津城建大学 图书馆投标方案 / Tianjin Chengjian university library

In Between

北宁公园 / BeiNing Park
D4座 / Pavilion D4
2楼 / 2 Floor

策展人 / Curator
卓强 / Zhuo Qiang

对于现代大学生活来说,图书馆不仅是一 个求知的圣地,更是一个社交的场所,在这 里你既能经历书山有路勤为径的艰辛,也能 感受最是人间堪乐处的美好。这种二元相 融相生的关系恰似中国传统木构的工艺精 髓——榫卯。新图书馆正是以“书山径、榫 卯间”为概念,设计概念又给新馆打上了深 深的城建烙印。

For modern university life, library is more than a holy land for knowledge, it is also a place for socializing.
In the library, people can experience the hardship of diligence which is the only way to get to the mountain
of knowledge. In the same time, it can offer the environment where is the best place to live. This kind of dual relationship is integrated as the essence of Chinese traditional wooden craft, mortise and tenon. The new library is designed with the concept of ‘the book trail, the mortise and tenon joint’, which brings deep brand of the spirit of ChengJian University.