诞生于古希腊的“知识文化”在基督教中 孕育而生,创造了哲学,遇见了科学,建立 了“现代思想”。如今,世界被诞生于西方 的现代思想所主宰。同时,喜马拉雅山脉和 青藏高原、塔克拉玛干沙漠和戈壁沙漠形 成一个巨大的屏障,阻碍基督教和伊斯兰 教入侵东方的一神教国家——中国、朝鲜半 岛、日本等。因此,即使在业已现代化的当 下,在东方人的内心深处依然栖息着原始的 自然思想。 正如东方思想的代表——庄子和禅宗佛 教也孕育着厌忌“知识”的思想。对大自然 的敬畏之念占据着主宰地位,只有“混沌” 才有生命力。混沌的思想东渡日本,创造 了先进的“美”学思想。东西方文化截然不 同,互为表里。 这种思想差异即使对空间和时间的概念 也有截然不同的诠释。在创作方式上也存 在云泥之差,而我想谈一谈这种差异。
The “knowledge culture” born in ancient Greece was conceived in Christianity, which created philosophy, met with science and established the “modern thought”. Today, the world is dominated by modern thought born in the West. At the same time, a huge barrier of the Himalayas, the Qinghai- Tibet Plateau, the Taklamakan Desert and Gobi Desert prevents the invasion of Christianity and Islam into the Eastern countries with their own religions -- China, the Korean Peninsula, Japan, etc. Therefore, even in the modern times, the primitive natural thoughts still inhabit in the inner heart of the Eastern people.
Just as the representative of the Eastern thought -- Chuang Tzu and Zen Buddhism, they also breed the idea of “knowledge” aversion. The fear of nature occupies the dominant position, and only “chaos” has vitality. The thought of chaos spreads to Japan and creates the advanced “aesthetics” thought. The Eastern and Western cultures are very different from each other, but indispensable to each other as well.
The ideological difference gives a distinct different interpretation even on the concept of space and time. It also exists in the way of creation, and I want to talk about the difference.