罗马设计记忆对文化遗产的创意性探索 / Roman design memories. A creative discovery of cultural heritage


北宁公园 / BeiNing Park

D5座 / Pavilion D5
1楼/1 Floor

策展人/ Curators
Loredana di Lucchio

“罗马设计记忆”是一项设计驱动的项目, 旨在对城市文化遗产进行当代重新诠释。 罗马是是全球重要旅游城市,每年接待千万 以上国际游客,这些游客大部分都是来欣 赏意大利和欧洲历经三千年累积下来的重 要历史和艺术遗产。

另一方面,从二十世纪中期开始,意大利设计 师创造了数不尽的设计品牌,这些品牌也或 多或少受到该国丰富的艺术财富的启发。

但在今天,在这个充斥着无数图像的时代, 我们是否还能将文化遗产看做设计灵感的 重要来源?设计应当怎样做才能维持文化遗 产与不断变化的审美感受之间的相关性?设 计是否能振兴一个城市有形和无形的文化 遗产,是否能让市民和观光者从被动和表面的赞美中转变到对城市更加深刻的理解和更加真实的关系当中?

罗马设计记忆项目诞生于罗马大学,由80名 来自全球不同学科的学生组成的国际团队创建。他们一起创作了22件设计作品,分别 代表22个历史街区中的一个,这些街区被称 为罗马老区。这些创造性的重新诠释超越 了对城市的视觉重现,还将一系列纪念品、 艺术品、传说和市井生活的非物质遗产变 为现实。

这些年轻的设计师们从意大利设计文化的 经典中汲取灵感,分析历史和当代大师们的 设计思路。项目产出22个现代纪念品,与城 市中知名度或高或低的地点、事物及传统 建立了一个小型而充满乐趣的叙述关系,因 此不仅是(设计优秀的)纪念品,也是整个地 区营销和重新定位的工具。

The project Roman Design Memories is a design- driven, contemporary reinterpretation of the city's cultural heritage. Rome is a major city of tourism in the world with more than ten million international visits per year, mainly driven by the historic and artistic heritage accumulated in three millennia of cultural importance in ltaly and in Europe. On the other hand, since the middle of the twentieth century ltalian designers has created countless well-known product design icons, which are at least partially inspired by the artistic richness of the country.

But today, in the age of an unlimited abundance
of images, can we still see cultural heritage as a signi cant source of design inspiration? And what can Design do to maintain the relevance of cultural heritage amid the continuously shifting aesthetic sensibilities? Can design revitalize the tangible and intangible cultural heritage of a city, shifting citizens and tourists away from passive and super cial admiration and towards a deeper understand-ing and more lively relationship with the city?

The Roman Design Memories project was born at Sapienza University of Rome with an international group of 80 students coming from various disciplines and from all around the globe. Together they imagined 22 design souvenirs, one for each of the 22 historic quarters - theso-called rioni - of Rome. These creative reinterpretations go beyond the simple imitation of visual clues form the city, actualizing a selection of monuments, artworks, legends and the intangible heritage of the street life.

The young designers drew inspiration from classics of theItalian design culture, analyzing the design thinking of historic as well as contemporary masters. The course resulted 22 modern souvenirs that establish

a smart and often playful relation with more or less known places, things and traditions of the city, thus becoming not only(well-designed) objects of memory, but also tools for the marketing and re-positioning of the entire territory.


student works
Master of Science in Product DesignSapienza University of Rome | Faculty of Architecture

Viktor Malakuczi
Michele Russo

scientic coordination
Loredana di Lucchio

Amin Fazeliniaki

Sapienza Design Research interdepartmental centre