另一个视角:关于中式园林和意式花园景观的想法 Another Gaze: the Idea of Landscape in Chinese and Italian Garden
北宁文化创意中心 E座
beinign cultural creative center, pavilion E
花园是一项古老的发明,陪伴了整个人类的历史,随着时间的流逝,花园随着文化、思想和品味的发展不断演变. 不同地区的花园,形式和风格也千差万别,不仅由于环境因素不同,历史、宗教、社会、文化和精神都是影响因素。本次展览将中式园林和意式花园两种迥然相异、对立,而又都以思想为基础的哲学、模式结合在一起。
本次展览的出发点不是提供历史文献,以比较中意花园艺术的发展脉络及其所谓的意义;而是深入挖掘,这些园林是如何建造的,里面的设施又有何区别,哪些地方截然不同,哪些要素又恒久不变。园林的构思是基于怎样的建筑学、心理学和文化背景。所有一切的思虑和考量,千丝万缕,既可以在古代园林艺术中探得缘由,也可以在今日的现代园林中寻得踪迹。时至今日,园林艺术虽与自然、科学、技术紧密相连,又似乎已超越了它们的范畴。园林艺术关注大自然,尤其是园林中应用、利用的部分,与此同时,园林艺术也通过生态学及其相关科学,关注需要保护的部分。我们应当铭记上世纪伟大的园林设计师皮耶托·波尔契奈(Pietro Porcinai)所说的话:“如果缺少花园的诗意,而只剩支配农林业经济的教条,那么大自然或多或少地都会被人类所破坏……要重建人类工作的意义,甚至是整个社会生活的意义,唯一手段就是艺术。”
The garden is a very ancient "invention" which has accompanied the whole history of humanity and over time it has been transformed to follow the evolution of taste, thought and culture. Different places developed different shapes and features, due to different environmental, but also to historical, religious, social, cultural and spiritual characteristics. The exhibition features some of the themes related to two philosophies, two completely different ways, opposed but both crucial, of thinking the garden: the Chinese and the Italian ones.
The art of gardens in China is very ancient, the first signs of their existence dates back to the second millennium BC. The pursuit of harmony with the universe and love for nature are at the base of the composition of the magnificent imperial parks and later the private gardens, in which the natural world is reproduced and exalted by man to reach an ever deeper understanding. The Italian garden also dates back from ancient times and reached its greatest heights between 1400 and 1500 even though its influences lasted over the course of the following centuries in gardens throughout Europe. Despite different environmental conditions, natural landscapes, spaces, and even more the differences in the two cultures and spiritual and religious contexts, along with the historical and social evolution of two distant and detached countries, the core feature of the Chinese garden which it has in common with the Italian one, and which is linked to the profound and universal meaning of the garden itself, is the man's need and will to confront with nature to dominate it not only for practical needs, but as an aesthetic and symbolic challange. "To become music, sounds must be chosen and organized. The same goes for the gardens ... "
The starting point of the exhibition is not to feature a complete historical documentary of the significance and the evolution of these detached but fundamental trend of the art of gardens, but it is aimed to investigate how this gardens where designed, exploring the differences and the similarities in the structures and in the choice of certain elements, along with the structural, spiritual and cultural purpose in the design of gardens. And the reason of the choices at the base of the exhibition are in the fact that it is only starting from here that we can find in the works of art of antiquity ideas and models for the contemporary practice of gardening. In an era in which this art seems to be overcome by the natural sciences and technology, which looks at the natural environment just as the subject of practices of exploitation, or as something to be preserved through ecology, it is important to remember, as PietroPorcinai, one of the greatest gardener of the last century, said that "wherever the criteria and the poetry of the garden are missing while rule the dogmas of agriculture and the economic forest, nature can only be destroyed by the man (...) Art is the only way to return its meaning to human labor and perhaps to the whole life of our society ."
- Alessandra Fasanaro, Bruno Discepolo, Giovanni Aurino
Ado Architecture design organisation
- Giulia De Angelis
special thanks to
- AIAPP Associazione italiana Architettura del paesaggio
- Associazione Pietro Porcinai