数字工艺 / Digital Craft

数字工艺 / Digital Craft


The fourth industrial revolution is changing both production and consumption methods and transforming design at the same time. Digital production and total customization make it possible to overcome the traditional constraints of productive processesprefiguring a world free of serial products.

阿基米德/Archimedes Bridge

阿基米德/Archimedes Bridge


Connecting the shores of a river or of a lake has always been a challenge that man had been facing by inventing ever more brilliant, spectacular and increasingly complex technologies.

过去就是现在/The Past is Now

过去就是现在/The Past is Now

通过对新型材料和形状的研究,青史留名的意式家具的外形脱胎于对新审美的持续探索。随着时间的流逝,脱开外形,这些意式家具在文化上也对家具的历史产生了深远的影响,甚至于改变了人们对现代家居的想法以及生活方式。The historic furniture of Italian design, whose forms were born of the constant search for a new vision through the study of innovative figures and materials, has produced over time a strong cultural impact on the history of the furniture, and even changed our way of thinking and living in modern houses.