The future of exhibitions is transforming itself, depending of wide possibilities offered by using contemporary technologies: new scenarios are rising on the horizon to define a new set for the building in which objects of historical, scientific, artistic, or cultural interest are stored and exhibited.
Virtual Museum is a wider way of giving new visibility to historical, artistic and cultural heritage. The principle aim of the Virtual Museums is the creation of integrated digital systems for the knowledge, development and communication of the cultural landscape, archaeological and naturalistic sites.
“Virtual Museum” is a way of giving visibility to historical, artistic and cultural heritage, even when it is not physically possible. "Virtual Museum" is a museum that can be observed and visited everywhere: it does not require a physical site and, when needed, it amplifies it, facilitating access and knowledge through technologies.Geographic location, chronological distance, cross-examination between collections of different museums: everything is possible everywhere now. The concept of "museum" is completely renewed: no more “box” of artwork, but a place where knowledge is communicated and shared, in a complex system of relationships between the new types of "heritage" - even intangible - and the possibilities offered by digital technologies.
A different viewpoint, not only inside the museum, but also outside it: multiethnic and multicultural dialogues, communities, cultural heritage spread across the world.
The future of exhibitions is transforming itself, depending of wide possibilities offered by using contemporary technologies: new scenarios are rising on the horizon to define a new set for the architectures in which historical, scientific, artistic, or cultural masterpieces are stored and exhibited.The principle aim of the "Virtual Museums" is the creation of an integrated digital system for the knowledge, development and communication of the cultural landscape, archaeological and naturalistic sites. All this requires new languages and new types of communication. If any heritage conservation activity is a communicative action, then the enormous sharing/dissemination allowed by the recent technology responds exactly to the purpose.
But what is real? What is not it? Probably in virtual reality, we do not really see what we are perceiving but everything is exactly how it looks: you are not physically there, but you are there now in a mix of perception and imagination. Yet everything is here if you want. Virtual reality, augmented reality, captivating photos, emotions that go beyond the bounds of the possible: do they deceive or reveal? We really don't know yet, but we know that to create this new form of mixed reality - made by true life and synthetic space - where appreciating a new cultural experience, a new professionals are needed.
The different stages of works related to “Virtual Museums”, cover from the building of a geo-spatial archaeological database, up to the reconstruction of the ancient potential landscape and the creation of virtual models of the major archaeological sites and cultural heritage.