TDW — tianjin international design week

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瞿广慈的稀奇艺术 / Qu Guangci’s X+Q Art

北宁公园 / BeiNing Park
C座 / Pavilion C
1楼 / 1 Floor

策展人 / Curator
瞿广慈 / Qu Guangci

稀奇艺术由中国两位著名雕塑家向京和瞿 广慈于2010年创立,内容涉及雕塑、配饰、 设计产品等多个产品领域,其品牌理念已 获得海内外的广泛认可。稀奇艺术的合作 者中不乏精品酒店、时尚买手店、著名博物 馆商店等各高端场所。在全球化的大环境 下,艺术的合作早已跨越了国界和不同的 艺术领域,艺术家通过与商业的合作,为艺 术、人文、社会发展创造了更多的可能性, 也给大众的文化生活注入了更多可供探寻 的艺术灵感。作为艺术的礼物,稀奇艺术寄 托了艺术家希望给人们的日常生活带来前 所未有惊喜的愿望。每一件稀奇艺术产品 都源自艺术家对其艺术原作的转化与再创 作,并通过高品质的手工技术和精美的包 装,实现艺术礼品的概念。以礼物的形式传 递幸福、温暖、真挚的祝福是稀奇的品牌核 心,它将产品所蕴含的中国当代艺术元素 与全世界人共通的正面价值观产生联系, 通过精致的造型、鲜艳的色彩与丰富多元 的产品故事,与人内心最纯真美好的情感 产生共鸣。

X+Q Art was founded by the reputed contemporary Chinese sculptors and artists Xiang Jing and Qu Guangci in 2010, with products ranging from limited edition sculptures, accessories, and design products.
As gifts of art, X+Q Art bears the love and surprise that the artists wish to offer for people’s everyday life. Every product of X+Q is a transformation and recreation of
the artists’oeuvre, through the fine touch of craft and packaging. The core value of X+Q is to deliver the sincere wish of happiness, love and affection through gift. X+Q Art has partnered with high-end department stores, luxury hotels, design galleries and museum stores, including Lane Crawford, The Langham, Tuantuan Boutiques, Guggenheim Museum, Victoria & Albert Museum, ENTRATALIBERA in Milan.