TDW 2017

A return to slow transport, to the use of bicycle, and in general to an urban mobility system that can reduce the environmental, social and economic impacts generated by private motor vehicles on the environment. The reduction of atmospheric pollution and the emission of greenhouse gases, noise pollution, congestion, degradation of urban areas and the waste of land caused by the construction of new roads and infrastructures.
The fourth industrial revolution is changing both production and consumption methods and transforming design at the same time. Digital production and total customization make it possible to overcome the traditional constraints of productive processesprefiguring a world free of serial products.
Connecting the shores of a river or of a lake has always been a challenge that man had been facing by inventing ever more brilliant, spectacular and increasingly complex technologies.
通过对新型材料和形状的研究,青史留名的意式家具的外形脱胎于对新审美的持续探索。随着时间的流逝,脱开外形,这些意式家具在文化上也对家具的历史产生了深远的影响,甚至于改变了人们对现代家居的想法以及生活方式。The historic furniture of Italian design, whose forms were born of the constant search for a new vision through the study of innovative figures and materials, has produced over time a strong cultural impact on the history of the furniture, and even changed our way of thinking and living in modern houses.
Technology is changing our way to work, study and preserve architecture. This revolution deals with the processes that allow to make digital surveys. The use of laser scanners, drone, 3D-print and artificial intelligence is the way to discover new scenarios in learning from architecture of the past and transmitting these values to the future.
Food, just like art, is a type of language which expresses itself by technical and creative means. But how will food look like in the future? How will we be producing and consuming it? And how will they be the new frontiers for food and health?
人类通过耕种土地,在自然世界里第一次留下自己的痕迹,这同时也宣告了他们对这片土地的所有权,不过最重要的是他们通过有组织的农事活动第一次过上了自给自足的生活。如今,在保证生产效率、避免资源过度开发的前提下,如何保证粮食安全、维持农业可持续发展、推动绿色经济成为亟待解决的问题。同时,人类已经探索出适合植物生长的其他星球,这一发现也将对农业发展带来新的挑战。Agriculture is the first imprint of human kind on the Earth and on the Natural World, and above all it was the first organized sustenance system. Today, the demand for food safety, sustainable agriculture and green economy, an ever greater productivity free from the uncontrolled exploitation of planet's resources, are the major issues to be faced, along with the challenge of conquering new worlds where plants can grow up and feed a new life.
Agriculture, architecture, engineering, food, craft and design, as well as preservation of cultural heritage and urban mobility: everything around us ends up to be the symbol of the future, not only the future yet to come but also what there already is in our life, evident in everything we do, in the tools we use and in the space we move in.
751 Design Store是北京国际设计周-751国际设计节的重点项目,连续两年以快闪店的形式在北京国际设计周期间亮相,获得媒体大众一致好评。751 Design Store is one the most important projects of Beijing International Design Week 751 Design Festival. It used to be showed as a Pop-up Store twice during the past Beijing International Design Weeks and gained a high praise by the visitors and media.
“设计师最核心的价值就是他的独立性”,这是“晒上海”的发起精神。每年集合上海不同领域的一线设计师,做完全主观的独立的设计实践,最终以“实物”的形式呈现,我们会称这个“实物”为“产品”,但是“产品”的定义因人而异。当然其意义并不是在个人渲泄和表达上,而是有期许的实验设计集体行为。“The core value of a designer lies in his/her independence”, which is the originating spirit of “Shine Shanghai”. Every year, top-ranked designers from various fields at Shanghai are gathered together to conduct completely subjective and independent design researches with specified materials and theme, and finally present their results in the form of “entity”, which will be named as “product”.
商品化的这个系列追求的是给空间带来亮点的道具。击穿不锈钢片即制作完成,在这款设计上我尝试了这种最简单的制造方式。The commercialized series are decorations bringing light spot to space. I has tried the simplest production method, namely, to punch the stainless steel sheet.
从一个原型开始做出各种各样衍生的家具。比起新颖的设计更追求有深度的设计。设计如果只是新颖而已,则会很快失去新鲜感。而有深度的设计则能保持永久的美感。我们研究人,追求以人为本的家具。Furniture of various types are made based on prototype. Compared with the novel design, we are more likely to pursue the profound design.
减霾计划由荷兰艺术家、发明家丹·罗斯加德和他的专业团队所设计。减霾计划不仅是一次创新之旅——一个关于清洁未来的体验,还为公园和公共空间提供了就地治理方案。减霾计划启发了市民、政府、非政府组织、骑行倡导者和清洁技术产业团结一致,共创无霾城市。The Smog Free Project, created by Dutch artist and innovator and his team of expert offers a journey through innovation, as an experience of a clean future and a local solution for parks and public spaces.
花园是一项古老的发明,陪伴了整个人类的历史,随着时间的流逝,花园随着文化、思想和品味的发展不断演变。The garden is a very ancient "invention" which has accompanied the whole history of humanity and over time it has been transformed to follow the evolution of taste, thought and culture.
罗马建筑师协会(OAR)拥有 18000 多名会员,是意大利最“顶尖”的专业组织。多年来,该协会举办了各种地方级和国家级的活动,另外还通过参加具有代表性的欧洲组织、与欧洲和非欧洲机构达成协议和理解备忘录等方式举办国际级的活动。The Chamber of Architects of Rome (OAR), with its more than 18.000 members, is Italy’s most “cutting edge” professional organization. Its activity has for some years been carried out not only at a regional and national level but also in the international arena through its participation in European representative organizations, agreements and Memoranda of Understanding with European and non-European institutions.
2017年5月 “Handmade in Germany” 德国手工制造世界巡展, 将在天津继续它世界环游的脚步。这个都市,成为了这个180家来自德国顶级制造商的设计巡展在亚洲的下一站。巡展由来自柏林 Direktorenhaus 展览馆的帕斯卡尔 ̇ 约翰森和卡提亚 ̇ 克莱斯共同策划, 计划在全球范围内,在数年时间里,集中展示德国品质: 包括了横跨各产业的设计产品和工艺品, 全部在德国境内由手工打造。 展品展示了,在全球化与大规模生产的时代背景下,高品质的手工产品所代表的价值和未来。
In May 2017 we will continue our international exhibition tour “Handmade in Germany” via Tianjin. Within the tour this will be a further stop in Asia for the design exhibition of the 180 most important German manufactories. Curated by Pascal Johanssenand Katja Kleissof Direktorenhaus Berlin, this touring exhibition will span several years and continents to show a concentrated collection of German quality production: design objects and manufacturing products, all hand-made in Germany and stretching across all branches. The exclusive selection of exhibits represents the value and future of premium quality production with a commitment to time and handiwork especially against the backdrop of the current trend of mass production and globalisation.
展览的未来在不断变化,这是因为当代科技的应用为我们带来无限可能。人们对展览进行了重新定义,这使具有历史、科学、艺术、文化价值的事物有了新的保存与展示模式。而虚拟博物馆就是一种欣赏历史、艺术及文化遗产的更广阔的途径。The future of exhibitions is transforming itself, depending of wide possibilities offered by using contemporary technologies: new scenarios are rising on the horizon to define a new set for the building in which objects of historical, scientific, artistic, or cultural interest are stored and exhibited.