前言 Introduction
第五届天津国际设计周于2018年5月11-16 日在天津市河北区北宁文化创意中心举行, 共持续6天。本届设计周分为主题设计展 览、国际设计竞赛、中意校际联盟实验班、 天津论坛、招商引资活动、对话设计之都 等几大主题内容。主题设计展:青年建筑 师展、当代艺术展、设计竞赛展、艺术家个 人展等。设计竞赛,主题为“东方X西方”, 面向社会及各大高校征集工业设计、建筑 设计、平面设计等各个领域的创意作品,之 后由安吉申、Paolo Colantuoni、Patrick Reymond和孙大力四位国际设计大师担任 评委,并在开幕式当天进行颁奖。中意校际 联盟实验班围绕“知识机器”为主题进行课 程的开展,旨在激发学生对于未来设计的 思考。天津论坛,围绕本届设计周主题“东 方X西方”,组委会特邀8位来自国际知名设 计师、评论家为演讲嘉宾,每人进行20分钟 以“东方X西方”为主题的演讲。招商引资 活动包含企业对接和政策资源宣讲活动, 搭建了招商引资桥梁,帮助国内外企业、机 构了解我区招商政策、条件等。 本届设计周主题“东方X西方” (East*West)向大家展示了东方文化与西 方文化全新的、对等的交流。继续秉承“设 计无处不在”的理念,通过丰富而科学的展 览、活动向大家展示设计的奇妙之处。
The 5th Tianjin International Design Week will be held at Beining Cultural and Creativity Center in Hebei District, Tianjin City in May 11, 2018 for six days. The Design
Week has several themes, namely, design exhibition, design competition, Sino-Italian experimental class, Tianjin forum, Business and investment attraction
and City of Design Dialogue. Theme design exhibition includes exhibition of young architects, contemporary art exhibition, design competition exhibition, individual exhibition of artists, etc. Design competition,with
the theme of East X West, the competition collects innovative works in various fields such as industrial design, architectural design and graphic design from the society and various universities. Four International designers, namely, Azum Shin, Paolo Colantuoni, Patrick Raymond and Sun Dali will be the judges and give the awards to the winners on opening ceremony. Sino-Italian experimental class hold classes with the theme of “Knowledge machine”, aiming to provoke the students’ thoughts on future design. Tianjin Forum, centered on the theme of this Design Week East X West, the organizing committee specially invited eight world- famous designers and critics to give speeches with the theme of East X West for 20 minutes each. Business and investment attraction aims to integrate with enterprises, publicize policy resources, build a bridge for business and investment attraction, help domestic and foreign enterprises and organizations to understand the business attraction policies and conditions of the district.
The theme of the Design Week East X West indicates that Eastern and Western culture start with a brand new communication. Inheriting the concept of “Design is everywhere”, it displays the fantasy of design to the public through rich and scientific exhibitions and activities.